Herbal Tea n.2 – Compound Artichoke 80 g

Home/FOODSTUFFS/Herb Teans/Herbal Tea n.2 – Compound Artichoke 80 g

6,18$ inc.IVA

For the liver purification.

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The herbal tea is an adjuvant in the treatment that favors the purifying processes of the liver.
Produced and packaged by the Cosmetic Laboratory of the Generalate Congregation of Camaldolese Hermits of Tuscany.



How to use

Infusion: 2 tablespoons in 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink two cups between meals. Keep in a cold and dry place.


Cynara scolimus folium 19%, Combretum miehranthum folium, Sambucus nigra flos, Rheum rhaponticum radix, Hibiscus sabdarissa flos, Erithraea centaurium summitates, Asperula odorata folium, Helicrysum stoechas summitates, Rosmarino officinalis folium, Cichorium intybus radix, Mentha piperita summitates, Fumaria officinalis summitates, Glycyrhiza glabra radix, Citrus aurantium epicarpum.